8.17.24 SJCA Principals Corner

Dear SJCA Community,

I want to begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to grow as a community this year. I shared our vision of SJCA being a place of refuge where our common hopes and dreams for our precious students could be realized, and I am so heartened to see that happening for all of us together.

Your response to our safety reminders has been exemplary. Each time we’ve sent out a reminder, the very next day, those requests have been honored. Parents are walking and waiting patiently in a single line, creating safety and space for faculty and students loading into cars. Many parents have also begun walking their students all the way to the gate, adding an extra level of safety as you watch them cross into our care. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and we genuinely appreciate them.

I have some truly wonderful news to share with you all. Safety and security continue to be our focus during these turbulent times in our society. Over the past 18 months, we have conducted a comprehensive threat assessment of our campus, sought counsel from local law enforcement, and developed a long-term plan to enhance our campus security.

Last year, I asked two of our dedicated parents, Mr. Craig Karch and Mr. Terry Mahoney, to undertake the time-consuming task of applying for a Federal Non-Profit Security Grant for Private Schools. I am overjoyed to announce that we have received confirmation of an award of $100,000 to update our surveillance system and build a more secure double entryway at the Preschool Entrance.  Mr. Karch and Mr. Mahoney dedicated many hours to the lengthy application process, with no guarantee of success. Despite having less than 30 days to complete the requirements last December and early January, Mr. Karch successfully submitted the application on our behalf. We are truly grateful for their commitment and perseverance. By God’s grace, their efforts will allow us to add important levels of monitoring and security for all of our students, bringing additional comfort as you entrust us with your children.  We expect to receive further details of the grant requirements within the next month and will begin the bidding process as a first step. Please continue to pray for us as we grow together as an Academy.

Important Safety Reminders:

Starting Monday, August 19th, students without a sun hat will not be allowed outside for PE or recess. With temperatures expected to stay in the 90s, it is crucial for the safety and well-being of our students that they have proper sun protection. While missing PE may be disappointing for some, we cannot permit outdoor activities without appropriate coverage due to the extreme weather conditions.

We announced this sun hat requirement in the spring and have provided a two-week grace period for everyone to comply. Please note that if a student does not have a hat, it creates additional supervision challenges as they will need to stay indoors. However, we are committed to making the best decision for the health of our students.

No student checkouts at or after 2:20 pm.  A reminder will be posted on the door at 2:20 sharp and we beg for your understanding and cooperation. Please remember our dedicated front office is following safe best practices and they all deserve our ongoing respect. This is a security requirement as we prepare and reallocate staff members to safely dismiss students beginning at 2:50 from two separate entrances (elementary carline and preschool carline).  It is a burden and significant disruption to unexpectedly locate students at the end of the day (who may be on the field or other specials) and have them pack belongings and be escorted to the office while also distributing walkie-talkies and reporting to duty stations for dismissal.  There will be no exceptions to this policy beginning Monday, August 19th.

What You Need to Know:

  • Sun Hat Storage: Please ensure your child leaves their sun hat in the classroom. This prevents unnecessary confusion and ensures the hat is always available when needed. A “school-only” sun hat is strongly recommended.

  • Uniform Guidelines: Sun hats are now part of our student uniform. We ask that you choose an SJCA-style sun hat in Khaki or Navy Blue. While we are working on finding a vendor to simplify this process for next year, for now, please ensure the hat matches the style shown in the link provided.  SJCA Style of Sun Hat in Khaki or Navy Blue  Straw hats, baseball caps, and other styles are not permitted, as previously communicated by the teachers.

  • There are no student checkouts from the front office beginning at  2:20 pm. Please plan ahead for this policy.   It would be very supportive if you have an appointment and need to check out your student early, to notify their teacher and the office 24 hours ahead of time which allows us to plan and have them packed and ready for you.

  • Lunch Drop Off by 10:45 am  All late lunch drop-offs must be delivered to the front office no later than 10:45, this is the deadline no matter what time your student has lunch.  We understand mornings get hectic but please understand that there is one cart that delivers late lunches promptly at 10:45.  We appreciate your cooperation.

More Good News: We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Katie Borden has been promoted to a full-time  Art Teacher-Minister contract for the 24.25 academic year.  Those of you returning know how talented she is and the students all thoroughly enjoy her Art classes.  This past Spring she completed her AA degree at Gulf Coast and this Fall she continues on at FSU working towards her Bachelor’s in Education.  She has benefited from mentoring from our master teachers and continues to grow as a skilled educator.

Given Mrs. Borden’s change in status, we are also pleased to announce our new Front Office Secretary who will take over Mrs. Borden’s front office duties, Mrs. Lindsey Van Zant.  Mrs. Van Zant has recently ‘come home’ to Panama City and just completed her first few days of orientation.  She brings a clear sense of calm and order to a busy front office.  She joins Mrs. Atchley, and Mrs. Cabrera in serving in the front office while Mrs. de Arrigunaga will continue to serve as the Administrative Assistant to the Principal and our Enrollment Coordinator. It takes an extraordinary team to support our day-to-day operations.  We are blessed to have these talented and dedicated women supporting us.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the safety and unity of our students.  We are so grateful for your trust and remain committed to serving you to the best of our abilities.  Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to God for all His many blessings on behalf of the Academy.  He has drawn mission-centered men and women to serve your children from all over the world. He has drawn a community of parents together who desire a safe, classical, Catholic education for their children and together we are witnesses and benefactors of His mercy, grace, and abundant blessings.  Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns and thank you for your support.

Through Christ our Teacher ~

Sister Grace Ford, Er. Dio.

SJCA Principal


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  • 1005 Fortune Avenue
  • Panama City, Florida 32401
  • 850-763-1775
  • office@sjseagles.org