August 15 Eagle News

Thank you for attending Back-to-School Night. It was wonderful to see everyone!
Thank you to our teachers and staff for their long hours of preparation to help make the evening a success. There were drones flying and fun activities making the evening even more outstanding. Special thanks to the Men’s Club for sponsoring and preparing the delectable Hamburger and Hot Dog Cook-out, and Mrs. Braxton for the delicious cole slaw.
A warm welcome to our new Saint John families. We will be scheduling a new family welcome in the next few weeks. We are so glad that you are a part of our school family.
Here are a few changes and reminders as we begin the new school year.
Arrival and Dismissal
Morning arrival hours have been extended. Gates open at 7:40. Students must be in class by 7:55. That is an additional 5 minutes for middle school students to go to their lockers and be in their seats for class.
We are encouraging everyone to utilize the carline, instead of parking and walking the students in to class.
Dismissal is at 12:00 on Thursday, 8/17. Please use the regular car line instead of the “Alternate Dismissal” procedure of parking and walking in to pick up your child.
Pre-K and Kindergarten will use the carline on FLOWER STREET.
Students in grades 1-8 will enter and exit using the large gate on 10th AVE for both arrival and dismissal.
Morning Care will now be held in the Media Center from 7:00-7:30. Students who arrive at 7:30 or after will need to use the carline. Morning Care students must sign and enter in the gate by the front office (not the doors facing the church). Morning Care will be at no charge in August, but will be $3.00 a day starting in September. There will be no food allowed, as we will be in the media center.
Morning Prayer at the Flagpole
Teachers will be leading guided prayer each morning in their classrooms. However, parents will be invited to a special morning prayer and pledge on certain Fridays each month. During this time each class will be assigned a day to present information and prayers about “Virtues in Practice” and their patron saint. Parents will receive advance information and invitations to these special school community prayer days. Please join us for our school Masses beginning September 6th.
The Eclipse
St. John will be following the guidelines of Bay County Schools and will have students remain indoors. Special educational activities and remote viewing will be shared with the students in all grades.
Intramural Sports Director Position Available
We are looking for an Intramural Sports Director to run the after school sports program here at the school. This will be a stipend position and will require Tuesday/ Thursday availability. Please contact Bridget Dupree( if you are interested!

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Contact Info
We look forward to hearing from you!
  • 1005 Fortune Avenue
  • Panama City, Florida 32401
  • 850-763-1775