Annual Harvest Festival 2022

Dear SJCA Families:

Peace be with you. This past week I have had the honor of guest directing an Ignatian 8 day silent directed retreat.  I’ve included a few of the beautiful fall scenes from the North East illustrating the amazing beauty of God’s creation.  As I spent these days carefully listening to individuals longing for a closer relationship with Jesus I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the ways in which our students are daily formed as disciples of Christ for life.  Each week during Mass I see the joy on their faces as they return to the stability of community worship and prayer.  I am so grateful to everyone who makes St. John Catholic Academy a spiritual and academic home for our students.  It takes so many talented, loving, committed adults to create this safe and nurturing environment for the children of Bay County.

This Friday we will celebrate Harvest Fest, our annual celebration that ushers in the Fall, serves as an opportunity for our students to come together and have fun and celebrate all their growth having completed the first quarter of this school year.  Many of our teachers and staff have children who are students at the Academy, and I have encouraged them to spend time enjoying themselves with their children at this event.  Unfortunately the faculty and staff often are tasked with working events in order for them to occur. This is a safe, monitored, fun community event thatis dependent on many hands making the load light.  I am very grateful for our PTO members this year who have put countless hours into this and other activities to enhance our students’ experience.

If you have not yet signed to help in some way, please, please take a few minutes now to look at the sign-up genius and find at least one 30 minute opportunity to serve.  If everyone accepts the call to serve for a short period of time, then all parents will also be able to enjoy time with their children.  It definitely takes a village to put on an event like this. One very important need is for clean up at the end of the night.  St. John the Evangelist St. Jude group is putting on their annual Flea Market on Saturday and we are committed to returning the tables so they are ready to open bright and early in the morning.  Any Dad’s out there who can lend a hand to breaking down and returning tables to the Parish Hall would be greatly appreciated.  Currently we do not have anyone signed up to help with break down.

It is an essential value that all of our families be able to participate fully in Harvest Fest.  If you find that the cost of tickets is prohibitive to participation, please email me at and I will provide you with tickets to allow full participation of your student(s).  These requests will remain strictly confidential.  

I look forward to seeing you this Friday and enjoying the sound of laughter and joy shared among our students.  Please feel free to reach out with any questions and don’t forget to sign up to help make this event enjoyable for everyone.

Through Christ our Teacher ~

Sister Grace Ford, Er. Dio.

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