Hello St. John Families,
Rice Bowls Collection: We began Lent with an Ash Wednesday retreat and each student took home a Rice Bowl from Catholic Relief Services as a part of our commitment to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Students will have the opportunity to place their Rice Bowl in our St. John community collection.n tomorrow, Thursday April 6th. Please send your child with their Rice Bowl and we will submit them to CRS for you. Hopefully your student shared their knowledge of the good work Catholic Relief Services does on behalf of the poor.
Sip & Support Fundraiser. While our tuition is $8022/year, the cost to educate was approximately $10,192/student for 2021-2022 academic year. We must have alternative ways to close the gap. Mrs. Thomas and Ms. Boncaro and their committee (Maria Buxton, Jessica Bonifay, and Mary Virga) have been busy at work preparing and securing sponsorships, silent auction items, etc. for our 2nd Annual Sip n Support fundraiser. We are asking for each family to volunteer some of their time during the event in order to allow everyone to both contribute while being able to enjoy the festivities. I am also happy to share that our new middle school teachers, Mr. Hatch and Miss Peter will be making the trip to Panama City in order to attend Sip n Support. They are looking forward to meeting their new teaching community. Please see the attached sign up genius link where you can choose from different areas to volunteer for 30 minutes or more before,during or after the event. As a community we can work together so the burden is not borne by a few and we can close our gap with joy. Please consider the various opportunities here Sip & Support Sign Up. Many thanks for each classroom parent and families who are each creating a basket for the silent auction. It is so beautiful what can be done by a community with a common goal and vision.
Important Note: The Florida summer heat is quickly climbing and as such we strongly encourage each student to bring a sun hat (with their name on it), refillable water bottle, and sunscreen (labeled) for PE and recess time. The students love to play on the playground and be outside for learning opportunities but protection from the sun/heat is essential. Especially for aftercare students, please consider sending a labeled sun hat. Our teachers monitor the amount of time outside and call for frequent water breaks as well.
I am so proud of our students as we conclude our Lenten practices together. Tomorrow we will enjoy an all campus retreat as we enter into the Tridiuum, the holiest of days in our Christian celebrations. Our mission is two-fold, prepare our students for academic success, and partner with you in their formation as disciples of Christ for life. We have received so much positive affirmation and feedback during the field trips the students have been on these past few weeks. From Zoo World, to Wonder Works, at the Vocations Rally in Pensacola and even across the street at the park, people recognize that our students demonstrate a high level of respect for one another and the adults supervising them. Scripture tells us that ‘they will know we are Christians by our love’, and that is definitely true for the students of St. John Catholic Academy. Thank you so much for the honor of partnering with you in their formation. It is a joy to see them blossom this year. Please allow me to share one of the emails I received after our K-2 field trip:
I wanted to take a moment to reach out to you and let you know what an amazing group of students & teachers you have. They are polite, follow all of the rules and are so excited to be at the zoo. We wish every group was just like your students & teachers!
Thank you so much for allowing them to visit ZooWorld for their Field Trip. We look forward to many years of this partnership. If you need anything in the future please reach out to me and I will be glad to help you however I can.
Jadena, Assistant Park Director
Through Christ our Teacher ~
Sister Grace Ford, Er. Dio.
SJCA Principal
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