Important Notes and Reminders – August 6, 2024

Carline Safety Reminders

There is no parking on 10th Street. 

Please have your car tag visible for our staff from a safe distance during afternoon pickup. (tinted windows please open a window so our staff can see the tag number clearly)

Please do not enter the car line from Fortune Avenue, enter the car line through Friendship Avenue or on 10th Street. 

For safety reasons, we do not pull around vehicles in front of us in the carline unless instructed by staff at any time.

Uniform Reminders

Sunhats are a requirement for all students PK4-9th grade. Please remind your child that they must wear their sun hats for outdoor activities.

Chapel Wear tomorrow (Wednesday) for school Mass – reminder that students wear their chapel uniform every Wednesday and must be on campus on time in order to attend with their classmates. If you are late on Wednesdays, you may sit in the day chapel with your student and check them in the school office after mass. For safety and security, students may not join their class once attendance has been taken and they have been marked absent.  Late check in will occur in the school office after Mass, with the parent present. 

Drop Off Reminders

Starting tomorrow, August 7th, we will begin morning carline for ALL PK4 – 9th grade students along 10th St. You may park and walk your student to the gate on 10th street as well, which will open at 7:40 sharp. Students may not walk to the gate unattended and must have a guardian with them while waiting for the gate to open. As discussed at our parent meeting, instructional minutes begin at 7:50 when all students should be safely seated in their classroom – this includes PK4. 

NOTE for PK4 only: 

Reminder PK4 will NOT be dropped off at the Preschool Door in the morning, but through the elementary carline gate between 7:40 – 7:50. Those with doctor’s notes may be checked in late through the office. 

Afternoon pickup for PK4 is in the Preschool carline starting at 2:50pm. You can also pick up after carline by parking and ringing the preschool doorbell.

AFTERCARE Pick up: Aftercare students will either be in the Parish Hall or an alternate location that will be posted on the Parish Hall Door (field, classroom, etc.) It will take us a few days to finalize the schedule of locations based on grade as we adjust to a significant increase in aftercare students so please bear with us.  We will develop a schedule over the first two weeks that will better inform you depending on your usual pick up time.  For this week:  Please check the Parish Hall first.  Please be prepared to show your Driver’s License as we have new staff and many new families.  We appreciate your patience and cooperation. 


  • Jennifer Hunt / Reply

    What is chapel wear? I’m new to St. John Academy. I have a 1st and 3rd grader. Do they both need it?

    • Hi Mrs. Hunt!

      Chapel wear is the baby blue Oxford we discussed on our tour – it’s a button down. You’re welcome to swing by the office and see if we have any spares for the kiddos! Otherwise, they can wear their uniform polos tomorrow!

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  • Panama City, Florida 32401
  • 850-763-1775