Grandparents Day Lunch is Friday, September 6th, 2024 Grandparents are invited to a very special lunch, served by their Eagle! Students should bring their lunch as usual. Grandparents are also welcome to bring their own lunch if preferred. K-4th Grade Lunch: 11:00 AM-11:45 AM 5th-9th Grade 
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Dear SJCA Community, We are writing to inform you of important updates to our Wednesday school Mass procedures, which begin at 8:15 AM. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend Mass, and we value the opportunity to worship together as a community each week. To 
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Dear SJCA Community, I want to begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to grow as a community this year. I shared our vision of SJCA being a place of refuge where our common hopes and dreams for 
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Parents, We have had ongoing issues this week with parents using last year’s concierge tags.  This is a serious safety issue as the wrong student is being paged to carline.  We have had many tearful students and upset parents as a result.  Please destroy and 
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Dear Parent/Guardian, You are receiving this communication because our records indicate that your student is utilizing a Step Up for Students Scholarship at St. John Catholic Academy.  Step Up has started their first quarter scholarship payment process.  You should have been notified via email from 
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Parents – for your and our students safety, please form a single line along the gate, in the order that Mrs. Mahoney inputs your concierge number while waiting for your student to be released.   Today (Tuesday)  we had a large group of parents gathered around 
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Contact Info
We look forward to hearing from you!
  • 1005 Fortune Avenue
  • Panama City, Florida 32401
  • 850-763-1775