Extracurricular Activities

Below are the extracurricular activities that students may participate in at St. John Catholic Academy. Please note that, we are continually improving and evolving here at the school, and some of these extracurricular activities are subject to change.

We welcome our parents participation in our school. We invite parents to share their talents and skills with our students. If you are interesting in sponsoring any extra curricular activity, please contact us 850-763-1775.

  • Flag Football
  • National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)
  • Soccer
  • Chess
  • Leadership
  • Yearbook
  • Art Club
  • EDGE

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

The National Junior Honor Society of St. John Catholic Academy is a duly affiliated chapter of this prestigious organization. Membership is open to those students who meet the required standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and character. The national office of NJHS selects the standards for evaluation. The school may raise the standard but may not lower the standard. Final candidates are selected by a five-member council, which bestows this honor upon the qualified students of St. John Catholic Academy.

Students in the second semester of 7th and 8th grades are eligible for membership. The student must have a 90% or higher average in all core subjects and a combination of all enrichment courses. The members who meet these criteria are invited to complete a student activity form. This provides the faculty council with information regarding the candidate’s leadership and service abilities.

In order to evaluate the student’s character, the faculty uses two forms of input. First, the school disciplinary records are reviewed. Second, the members of faculty who teach the student are solicited for input regarding their professional reflections on the candidate’s service, activities, character, citizenship, and leadership. Faculty carefully reviews this information and the student’s activity forms to determine membership. A majority vote is necessary for selection. One this process is completed, candidates are notified regarding selection.

Extracurricular Use of the Parish Hall

Any club or organization wanting to use the Parish Hall must contact our office at (850) 763- 1775. There are no exceptions to this rule, and it is expected that requests for use be made a minimum of 14 days before the activity.

When using the Parish Hall, it is expected that the venue will be returned to its original condition upon the conclusion of the event(s). If the venue is not returned to its original expected condition, the organization will be called to send a representative to the facility to bring it to the expected condition. Diocesan, church, and school organizations are not usually charged for the use of the facilities.