Important Information Please Read!

Dear SJCA Families:
We are happy to announce that the Academy and Preschool will be open for normal operating hours tomorrow, Friday, January 24th!!  
We imagine this was a once-in-a-lifetime snow closure for Bay County and we pray you enjoyed some snow time as a family.
Thank you for your patience and support as we navigated this unexpected winter storm.

2025-2026 Re-Registration:  We are in the two-week re-registration period for current families to secure their students’ seats for the upcoming school year before Open Enrollment begins.

Please login to PowerSchool and complete the re-registration process by January 31st. The registration fee will increase from $150 to $200 per student starting Monday, February 3rd, so don’t miss this opportunity to secure your seat at the lower rate.  Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter! 

Important Carline Reminder:  We have received another complaint from a neighbor regarding their driveway being blocked during morning and afternoon carline. To maintain good relationships with our neighbors, please do not block any private driveway while waiting in the carline.

Even if it appears no one is home or the driveway is empty, we ask that you remain considerate of our neighbors. While our maintenance team helps monitor the line, there are times when they may not be able to cover the entire area.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated—thank you for helping us be good neighbors!

SJCA Administration

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  • 1005 Fortune Avenue
  • Panama City, Florida 32401
  • 850-763-1775