Dear SJCA Families:
May our Lenten observances bring us closer to the love and sacrifice of Christ, our Savior.
I am reaching out to inform you that the window for priority re-enrollment will begin tomorrow March 1st. You will receive an email from PowerSchool requesting that you complete your families Bio Update (personal information). Up until now we have opted to utilize paper registration forms, beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee is requiring all schools to employ online registration in PowerSchool. Current families are guaranteed a seat in the next grade for their student if they register during our priority re-enrollment window from March 1 – 10th. IMPORTANT NOTE: for students who have more than one guardian and/or custodial parent: The Bio Update process is limited to the FIRST guardian who logs in to complete the process. It cannot be started by multiple guardians and/or parents. If an additional parent/guardian needs to update their personal information in PowerSchool they can do that separately by logging into the parent portal, select FORMS from the left side menu, choose Update Contact Information. All changes in information will be reviewed and granted final approval by administration.
Step 1: Complete the Bio Update by visiting the PowerSchool Parent Portal:
- Bio Update is located on the left-side menu. Click the link to answer questions and update information.
Have more than one child you are registering? Please move to each student’s tab before completing another form. This is how to find it within the Parent Portal.
Summary of changes in Tuition/Fees for 2023-2024: Please find attached our draft tuition and fees for the upcoming year. While tuition remains the same ($8,022.00), we have added a $300 Book fee to offset the consumables cost of the Memoria Press curriculum. The Academy bore the entire investment cost this year and having determined that the materials are both thorough and effective, plan to continue using the program next year. We utilized our funds from covid support that had been reserved in order to supply everything that was needed for this school year.
The second semester of 2022-2023 is in full swing and since returning from our Christmas holidays we have enjoyed a robust celebration of Catholic Schools Week as well as a campus wide spiritual retreat on Ash Wednesday. The students, faculty and staff set aside their ordinary activities to focus on deepening their understanding of and commitment to the three pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These events were made possible through the efforts of both our PTO and the newly formed Catholic Identity and Liturgy committee to whom we are very grateful. I trust that your student(s) shared some of their experiences with you when arriving home. We were blessed to have parent testimonies shared at 4 of our local churches (St. John, St. Dominic, St. Bernadette and Our Lady of the Rosary). This was the first time all four churches welcomed representatives to share the good news of the Academy and we were blessed with new benefactors who having heard about the school were inspired to support us. We are so grateful to the many parents who have stepped up and contributed through coaching, Candy grams, sharing at masses, volunteering at many different events, etc. Please allow me to offer my heartfelt gratitude to the many parents who are committed to participating in making beautiful memories and meaningful spiritual formation opportunities on behalf of the entire student body. I pray for each of you daily and am confident that your efforts are received and honored by the Lord who encourages us to ‘let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’ (Matt. 19:14).
As you know, we have transitioned fully into classical Catholic education this year with Memoria Press curriculum. The first semester we did not follow the recommended pacing expectations in order to allow the students and teachers time to acclimate and orient to the rigor of these robust materials. Having eased into the materials the first semester, we are now in line with suggested pacing guidelines. The Academy had been in a process of transitioning to the classical pedagogy for a number of years, but our investment into the curriculum this year has allowed us to effectively function completely within the framework of classical education. In a nutshell Classical Education teaches children two pivotal skills, wisdom and virtue. Our mission to prepare our students for academic success and form them as disciples of Christ for life is deeply rooted in the habits of mind (how to think) and what to do (living virtuously) as a way of life that will prepare them for all that is to come after they graduate as 8th graders. The Memoria Press You Tube Channel has many resources where you will find answers to both general questions like ‘What is Classical Education’ as well as specific explanations of particular subject areas. (Note: blue links will take you to the YouTube pages referenced). I would like to address some general information regarding homework: Each grade level can expect 15 minutes/night/grade of homework beginning with 1st grade/15mins., 30 mins/2nd grade, 45 mins/3rd, etc. Homework is review of material already presented in class and is not the presentation of new or unfamiliar concepts. Homework/review time should not be completed within the context of undue stress or worry. Please reach out to your child’s teacher for specific suggestions for stress free homework and/or consider watching the Memoria Press YouTube channel for subject specific recommendations. There is a wealth of information and resources available there. Overall we can report that the students are making significant progress as we continue to develop strategies for success for each student and family. We appreciate your input and feedback and look forward to growing together in our partnership on behalf of your child(ren).
As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. You can email me at I look forward to hearing from you.
Through Christ our Teacher ~
Sister Grace Ford, Er. Dio.
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