Principal’s Corner – September 21, 2022

Principal’s Corner

September 21, 2022, ~ The Feast of St. Matthew

Dear SJCA Families:

Peace be with you.  Today at school Mass we celebrated the Feast of Saint Matthew.  The students have been enthusiastic in their singing at Mass; today, they were exceptional.  The joy was palpable; it was such a blessing to hear their voices and see the smiles on their faces.  We all need to hear Jesus calling us by name, pointing us out personally, and inviting us to follow Him.  In the first reading from Ephesians Chapter 4, we heard St. Paul admonishing us to ‘walk worthy of the calling we have received.’  Our students are definitely growing in their awareness of what it is to be a disciple of Christ and follow the great commandment to love.  I am very proud of their efforts and growth as we continue to break open the Memoria Press Curriculum together.  Our mission to prepare students for academic success and form disciples of Christ for life is alive and active every day on our campus.  

The faculty and staff are looking forward to welcoming you to campus tomorrow night, September 22nd for Curriculum Night.  I am confident you will be impressed with your student’s materials at school and their work will be on display.  We will be opening the gate at 5 pm and the campus will remain open until 6 pm.  Please be mindful that tomorrow evening is not designed as a time for individual parent conferences.  If you have specific questions/concerns about your student, please feel free to email the teacher and they will be happy to schedule an individual conference with you.  

The students have been focusing on the virtue of Hope since school began, trusting in the loving plan of God.  We will have our first Virtue Awards after Mass on Wednesday, October 5th.  If you are able to join us I am sure you will be blessed.  

We have had some close calls during carline due to cars pulling out to pass the line in front of them.  We are working to improve the amount of time drop-off and pick-up takes for everyone but we must insist that families wait in line and not pull out to pass other cars.  The road is a two-way street and children are sometimes exiting on the street side.  We will continue to do our best to be efficient and timely on our end, and it would be supportive if your student was prepared to exit the car when you arrive at the front of the line in the morning.  Thank you for helping us keep our students, staff, and families safe.  

We are in our seventh week of school and have had an extended grace period regarding uniform compliance for our girl’s skirt length being to the knee this year.  If you are still waiting for an order, please be sure to notify your student’s teacher of the estimated arrival time.  If your daughter has a khaki or navy blue skirt that is to the knee she is welcome to wear that on chapel wear day while waiting for her chapel skirt to be delivered.  Beginning Monday, uniform slips will be sent home unless we have received a note from you with an estimated date of arrival.  Thank you for your understanding and commitment to partnering with us through this transition this year. 

We had our first School Advisory Committee meeting on September 7th.  I would like to announce and thank the following parents for their willingness to serve this year: Mrs. Wilma Wilson, Mrs. Alison Blanchet, Mrs. Tiffani Hinds, Mr. Eric Oberhauser, and Mr. Chris Paxton.  We will meet on the second Wednesday of each month and I am grateful for their areas of expertise and commitment to SJCA.  

Thank you for reading this update and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.  Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Through Christ our Teacher ~

Sister Grace Ford, Er Dio



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