Principal’s Corner – August 26, 2022

Celebrating our third full week of the 2022-2023 school year!!

Dear Parents, Caretakers and Guardians:

Thanks be to God for another week of joyful engagement on our campus.  I had the honor of observing in every classroom this week and in each room I was pleased to see each student actively engaged in their lessons.  Each teacher has their own unique way of positively reinforcing engagement whether it is 2nd grade taking a challenge to practice spelling words a day before their test, 5th grade praying the Pater Noster fully in Latin in with correct pronunciation, 1st grade music marching to the beat of a song in unison, or 4th grade reading aloud. I was so impressed with our teachers and amazing students!

Thank you for the overwhelming participation at our first PTO meeting which was attended by 25 parents/caretakers/guardians, eight faculty members and three administrators.  It was so encouraging to hear a variety of ideas, perspectives and invitations to serve.  Our wonderful aftercare team made room in their hearts for 25 additional students so that any parent who wanted to attend the meeting could. Many thanks to Mrs. Overfield for coordinating their care. Any parent who like to volunteer on campus, at fieldtrips, etc. must be an approved volunteer by going through the process outlined here Process for Parent Volunteers.  We anticipate robust involvement as a community this year and encourage anyone who would like to share their time and talent to become an approved volunteer.   Next PTO meeting will be Thursday September 15th at 3:00 in the Media Center.  PTO aftercare pre-registration required to facilitate staffing. 

Current Need:  We are in need of cleared volunteers this coming Wednesday 8.31 for picture day.  As of today we have not had any response.  If you are available for any portion of the morning between 8 am and 1:00 pm, please email

Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday August 31st is Picture Day.  Chapel Wear and please either send your order form with check or cash OR order online. 
  • Friday September 2nd is early release with carline at 12:00 for K4 – 8th grade.  Aftercare for currently registered students only. 
  • Campus Closed Monday September 5th for Labor Day!! Enjoy the weekend with your families!!
  • Grandparents Lunch September 12th, invitations went home with students today. 

Uniform Update:

  • Having completed our third full week of school, we anticipate full compliance with dress code beginning Monday August 29 to include boys haircuts, girls with no coloring in their hair, belts, tucked shirts, single colored shoes,  etc.  Uniform reminders will begin going home next week.  Parents who have knee length skirts on order should have communicated with their childs teacher indicating when they will arrive.  We understand that Lands End is on serious backorder burt Zoghbys has some knee length skirts in stock and is able to order more expediently.  Thank you to everyone who is and has been in uniform already.  We see the children taking pride in their identity and SJCA Eagles!

Parent ALPHA begins Tuesday September 6th at 6pm in the Media Center

  • Ms. Charlotte shared her heartfelt invitation to break break together as parents once a week, view a short video and engage in meaningful conversation about our faith at ALPHA.  This is a non-denominational program to promote spiritual growth and community around the central aspects of our faith.  What is prayer, why should I pray, who is Jesus in my life, who would I like Him to be?  How do I share my faith with my children? Please sign up here:  SJCA Parent ALPHA

During the PTO meeting we reflected and prayed about the promise we have received to be called by our name, each of us, by the Lord.  My hearts desire is that every student at St. John Catholic Academy comes to know their birthright and identity as a beloved child of God, brought into the world through love and called to be a light reflecting the loving presence of Christ to others throughout their lives.  Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in their academic and spiritual formation.  We are honored by your trust and committed to their well being.  May God bless your family with meaningful moments of togetherness this weekend and I look forward to seeing the children on Monday.  

Through Christ our Teacher ~

Sister Grace Ford, Er Dio 


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  • 1005 Fortune Avenue
  • Panama City, Florida 32401
  • 850-763-1775